Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Giver: Pre-Reading Post

1.     I think that the book is of a world that really is a dystopia. This world is "perfect" for most of the people and none of this people knows what real feelings are. But there is a person known as the Giver that knows all the good and bad feelings. Jonas is the Giver of his time period, and he was trained by the last Giver. His world appears perfect, but Jonas knows that there is more things to add to it. This book appears to be made for young people, especially for teenagers. The book appears to have inner conflicts as much as outer conflicts, trying to connect with the readers feelings and connecting to their personal life. For this book is the beginning of the young people dystopia books, and this one started with a young boy having the real burden of the world in his shoulders. In conclusion, I think that the book is a complete dystopia and it is connected to all the young people emotions and feelings.    

2.     I think that the author meant that all young people will have a roll in the future, and our roles will shape the world. This decisions that we will make will either make it a batter place, or a worse place such as the one described in his book. The future is entrusted from generation to generation, and each generation either makes it a better place or a worse place. This is why the author says " To whom we entrust the future", it means that we are the future, and that we will shape it either for bad or good.

3.  I think that the book is about a world, were everything is chosen by a few people, which want to make the perfect world. This people think people should not feel fear or any kind of feeling apart from the sense of working and doing what they want. But in each generation there is a person called the Giver, for he knows the true significance of life. This person knows what fear is, what happiness is and all the feelings that had been lost. This person knows the pro and cont of life, he knows the good and the bad part, and this person is always different. Each Giver shows the next Giver all he or she knows, but Jonas wants more. He wants to give people back the feelings, all good and bad making his world a imperfect one, but a real one. However people will try to stop him, and few people will help him. But in the end he will accomplish his goal, and give humanity back its imperfectness, but make their lives real.    

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